
Home/Passive Monitoring/New age telecom transition with Passive Monitoring enabling best-in-class network services

New age telecom transition with Passive Monitoring enabling best-in-class network services

Have you ever wished to play some role in assisting your telecom operators to improve their carrier performance, network strength, data speed and internet services so that it is ultimately beneficial to you?  Well, with the NetVelocity app in your phone you can continuously share the real-time network parameters even when the application is idle or closed.


Data collection is an important step in telecom planning so that appropriate analysis can be performed on the data to generate useful business insights which are helpful in network improvement and expansion. NetVelocity’s Passive Monitoring allows auto-sync of the network statistics, and empowers the operators with valuable insights about the network. With this information the operators are able to make critical decisions of selecting a region to install tower and improve the network to ultimately benefit the customers. This feature allows the operators in the automated capture of massive network data that gets generated every time customers use the mobile services. The data helps the operators to deeply understand the customer network experience and identify areas of improvement.

Passive Monitoring – A simple step to achieve that customer delight!

Passive monitoring facilitates capturing of end user coverage, signal, network and call data, and allows defining this data on the basis of specific geography, demography, parameters and other customer information. The passive SDK library of passive monitoring can be integrated with any enterprise app which allows capturing time and event based data along with geo-location information. Thus, NetVelocity’s Passive Monitoring is an advanced tool that supports automated data capture from user device and its segmentation to assist operators in defining future strategies for service planning, marketing and improvement.

Elevate the network QoS and QoE by using detailed analytics from Passive Monitoring

In today’s advanced technological age, customers demand reliable, efficient and responsive network, which has made network monitoring one of the primary operations for telecom companies. With NetVelocity’s Passive monitoring, the entire process of network monitoring and data collection has been simplified and automated. The network statistics are automatically collected by the application every hour to assess the network performance and status. The collected data is automatically synced with the server after every 24 hours. The feature is completely optional to use for the mobile users. It allows the network operators to deeply examine the critical performance of the network, and mend the issues and faults that reverberate in the network. Benefits of using Passive Monitoring feature –

  • Auto-collection of network statistics
  • Continuous network visibility
  • Latency & data loss calculation
  • Live monitoring of daily traffic
  • Simplified detection of network issues
  • Invaluable insights about performance
  • Call data records analysis in near real-time
  • Targeted marketing using location-based data
By |September 6th, 2018|Passive Monitoring|0 Comments