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Reducing customer churn by promptly handling their network-related issues with NetVelocity’s Customer Care Solution!

It is undeniable that the level of satisfaction of customers of a company decides its fate. Unless a company is able to ensure an overall satisfied customer base, the chances of it sustaining in today's cutthroat competitive environment are extremely dim. The market goodwill of the organizations nowadays is decided by how satisfied its customers [...]

Improve Customer Interaction & Increase Satisfaction through NetVelocity’s Customer Care solution!

Technology and Telecom companies need to constantly innovate to stay ahead in business. Customer demands are ever changing in this dynamic industry. At this moment, the basic aim of telecom organizations is to meet the expectations and needs of their customers. Typical call centres are still unable to offer satisfactory support to their customers - [...]

Providing personalized service and relevant solutions to the network problems with NetVelocity’s Customer Care!

Consumers hold operators responsible for ensuring that everything involved in the services they provide should function uninterruptedly. Most of the communication service providers come across instances where their e-mails are flooded with complaints about poor customer care service and how their problems have been ignored for long. The pace at which the telecommunication industry is [...]


The race to put new digital technologies at the service of customers has already transformed many industries, including media and entertainment, financial services, retail, and healthcare. However, the telecom industry that began the digital revolution is now at perils of its own creation and has not remarkably reaped the benefits of end-to-end digitization. With the [...]