
Home/Web Performance Test/Analyze accurate metrics for ensuring uninterrupted website browsing using Web Performance Test!

Analyze accurate metrics for ensuring uninterrupted website browsing using Web Performance Test!

Web Performance Test: Determines the exact website loading times for a list of predefined customized web pages when connected to Wi-Fi or LTE network


For customers, waiting for a web page to load online is equivalent to the real world experience of waiting in a queue. As per a recent study, 83% of users expect sites to load in 3 seconds or less. And, when they have to wait, they get extremely frustrated and disappointed. Most of the users thought that the website loading time is slow because of bulky images/media or flash, but at times the internet speed of their carrier also affect the speed of the website. But, how can these users identify the exact cause of this issue? The solution is NetVelocity.


Experience the limitless benefits of using NetVelocity’s Web Performance Test!

With NetVelocity’s Web Performance Test feature, the users can easily measure the web download times for a number of websites while they are connected to their LTE or Wi-Fi network. The feature has two sections- Default and Custom, in Default section, there is a list of predefined website categories including Banking, eCommerce, Social Media, Media and News, each containing a list of websites whose loading time needs to be tested. In the Custom section, the users can add custom URLs of the websites. After the successful execution of the test, the end result provides a comprehensive diagnostic information, including Time to First Byte (TTFB), Time to Load (TTL) for the website; network name and parameters, frequency, Band, etc. for the connected LTE or Wi-Fi network.

Web Performance Test

To sum-up, NetVelocity’s Web Performance Test is an essential feature that assists internet users to seamlessly improve their internet browsing experience by gaining access to the information related to issues that cause slow internet speed and coverage. Here are some of the key advantages provided by NetVelocity’s Web Performance Test:-

  • Real-time website performance testing
  • Identifies the exact cause for slow loading time
  • Improves overall internet browsing experience
  • Automated scripts to optimize network performance


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